Our Resources > Annual Reports

Annual Report 2005      [ download pdf ]
Annual Report 2006      [ download pdf ]
Annual Report 2007      [ download pdf ]

Our Resources > Fact Sheet

Fact Sheet 1   [ download pdf ]

  • Our History
  • Our Mission
  • Housing Assistance - a Priority

Fact Sheet 2    [ download pdf ]

  • Who can apply
  • Documentation that should be presented with applications
  • The Application process

Our Resources > Financial Statements

2005 Financial     [ download pdf ]

The National Recovery Fund has tax-exempt status in the UK, US and Canada.

  • The Fund operates with extremely low administrative expenses, which represent only 2% of its budget, leaving 98% of all contributions available to make a significant impact in the lives of low-income and elderly families within our local community.
  • The Fund operates as a private, independent, non-governmental charitable trust that continues to identify and respond to those in gravest need.

Regardless of the amount or the form of your support, your participation is greatly needed and always valued.

IRS Tax Code Information –http://www.irs.gov/charities/

Our Resources > Newsletters

April 2005      [ download pdf ]
May 2006       [ download pdf ]
June 2007      [ download pdf ]
July 2007       [ download pdf ]

Our Resources > Press Releases

Christmas Story      [ download pdf ]
Deloitte Pledges     [ download pdf ]

CAYMAN ISLANDS NATIONAL RECOVERY FUND © 2014-2019. All rights reserved.